6 Top Reasons Why Structural Engineers & Architects in India are Fast Adopting Light Gauge Steel Frame Technology (LGSF) Today?

  1. Construction in India is painstakingly slow. It takes anything from 3 to 5 years to complete a        typical G+4 residential project where as with LGSF we can complete the same in about 1/3rd the time. Machine based manufacturing system means extreme high speed of manufacturing and at the same time almost no rework meaning saving in Time & Faster return on Investment. Further a facility built in 1/3 time will start generating early revenue for the investor.
  2. As structure is light by using LGSF Technology, foundation is automatically lighter resulting in huge cost saving. Secondly Steel cost is only constant. Cladding & Finishing material can be chosen accordingly to fit the budget. Further wall cutting for Electrical & Plumbing is not required. Wastage & Pilferage of raw-materials is no criteria. Reduced construction time means Labour cost, Overheads, Security, Interest Costs & Site management costs are much lower.
  3. Skilled masons are required to make RCC Structures whereas a few hours of training is sufficient for a laborer to erect LGSF System.
  4. Conventional RCC Structures cannot be given infinite shapes whereas Hybrid Steel Construction can be used to make any shape. Also steel gives more carpet area to the user.
  5. We always wanted our homes to remain cool in summer times and warm in winter times. Right? With LGSF it is possible now because we provide insulation inside the walling system. This also means much lower electricity bills.
  6. Conventional construction is continuously depleting our natural resources like water & sand. Whereas LGSF technology only requires a fraction of the same in its foundation. Therefore it is a environment friendly Green Technology




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